[ad_1] This photograph shows some of the shops in what was Queen Anne Street being demolished in 1983 to make way for the Kingsgate Centre. The Union Inn which had stood on the corner has already gone and a start…

[ad_1] This photograph shows some of the shops in what was Queen Anne Street being demolished in 1983 to make way for the Kingsgate Centre. The Union Inn which had stood on the corner has already gone and a start…
[ad_1] The following three minute silent clip shows Pittencrieff Park in Dunfermline during the heatwave of 1976. https://movingimage.nls.uk/film/7554?search_term=Dunfermline&search_join_type=AND&search_fuzzy=yes Great archive footage showing the paddling pool, Divito’s ice cream van, the playpark and gardens of the Glen. Full record for ‘HEATWAVE’…
[ad_1] When Pittencrieff Park had a wide range of animals for visitors to see including monkeys, fish, rabbits and reptiles, one of the the favourite residents in the Aviary was Billy the white cockatoo. Seen here photographed in 1964, children…
[ad_1] This image shows the busy junction of the High Street and the New Row taken from where Costa cafe is now on the corner of East Port. [ad_2] Source