Here is a short clip from some of the film footage that will be shown in the upcoming ‘Old Dunfermline’ show at the Carnegie Hall. Remaining tickets for the event on Wednesday 24th May are on sale online at
>> https://visitdunfermline.com/old-dunfermline-show-carnegie-hall/[fb_vid id=”1898599767081006″]
Nicola Milne
Maureen Milne
Thanks for showing Dunlops. My late Mum Ann Campbell worked there in the 70’s.
Brooke Stewart
Wonderful memories I was born in Chalmers st 75 years ago
My dad worked in Dunlops till he retired
Karen Lister
Shame the Dunlop building is being allowed to fall apart!!! Some people should be shot for allowing that to happen! It’s a beautiful building and should have been redeveloped by now.
Alan Bower Daniel Broadley
Royston Goodman. M x
My dad worked at Dunlop’s for 20 years on the nightshift
Dad drove the train to the coal face after the war after he was wounded.
Why doesn’t the council buy it and convert into flats as it’s s cracking building
My grandad worked there after being invalided out of the pits and my mum worked there too! Very sad it has been allowed to decay like it has 🙁
You want to go and see this Jennifer?
Nice to see Dunlop Textiles , my dad was Office Manager there. He must have been there from 1960 . Great memories , christmas parties , factory picnics.counting the bobbins on a saturday morning. Loved going in there and the smell was unforgettable in the factory .Colin young was my father
Another of my old workplaces
Charles Mcdaid Gourlay
are there tickets on the door for this event? cheers
Jackie Hunter
My sister Norma Gill worked in Dunlops. In the 60s.
Shame about the Dunlop building going to rack and ruin like many parts of the old town , councillors should hang there heads in shame , bottom of the town is an embarrassment, Andrew Carnegie would turn in his grave if he saw Dunfermline town now