Photograph of Linburn Road and Trondheim Parkway taken around 1964. The open farmland on the left is now built over with the many houses on the Eastern Expansion and Duloch housing estates. The bus about to make its regular journey from Abbeyview through the town and on to Beatty Place can be seen parked on the right.
And look at the eyesore it is now!
That farmland belonged to a family, the Baillies, who I went to school with and Calais Woods was my playground
I lived in Drum Road in the 60’s and my parents then moved to Don Road mid 70’s……brings back memories 😀
As a child we would walk about the forestry commission land, up the cut and the coup. Even had my first driving lesson up there. The blue water has been drained and filled in, natural spring,wonder if it seeps into the houses yet. freedom to roam the whole area . Back in the day when it was a cry of” come back when you’re hungry or getting dark” to all of us kids.happy days.
My dad was one of the 1st tenants when Trondheim was 1st built, we lived at 99 then moved across road to 108, moved round to Inchkeith drive in 1978
My Auntie lived in that first block of flats
So they was flats and the lynburn dental pratise and the clinic see were the housed are now is that where the flats where many decades back folks
How many years old are the flats on nith street across from lynburn primary school and the school it self anyone
I remember when the agricultural show moves from Mckane park to the fields at the bottom of Trondheim P. (or was it the other way round it was so long ago.?)
We lived at 51drum road from when it was built till 1971 when we emigrated to Australia but I used to deliver the milk around that area for united dairies, how different it all looks now
I remember it like this as I lived in Trondheim Parkway as a wee girl. Every year there was an Agricultural Show in the field shown at the bottom. There used to be a pets parade. I used to take my hamster or my neighbours dog up the stairs. Mrs Donaldson’s I think. Good memories living here as a kid.
This brings back memories I lived in tweed street remember playing up the woods
Some great memories living in Trondheim first at 90 then at 114 dad had one of the garages round the back of the flats remember going to Josefs the hairdressers there as well x
Used to love the road going from Aberdour road through to Fordell passed the bungalow on the left near where the first roundabout (one to Tesco) the road was so up and down with fields on either side.and we used to love the big Hill at the end of the road…used to give you butterflies as you flew over it…Happy times…place is unrecognisable now…
That is where you lived. A maisonette and I worked in Dysart. Had to get the bus every day and make sure I was home before 9.30 pm to enable me to get a pint before the pub closed. As you said happy days. You were sometimes looked after by our neighbours upstairs when your Mum went to the dockyard club with her sister Anne. I would have to bring you downstairs while you were still alseep. You never cried once. It might have been because I used to put Gin in your bottle.lol
Used to spend hours up there. Always felt safe. Stickleback pond ,spose it’s gone now. Also, x-country, through the woods , Halbeath Rd. then back along Lyneburn Rd to school. Knackering!!!
I remember this so cleary Auntie June Arnott. We used to walk up the farm track on the other side of the road. When we stayed over we used to walk round the block on Trondheim when you stayed in the flats
We moved into 99 and the flats were lovely and had rose gardens out the front,it was a bit like living in the country when the cows were in the field at the bottom of the road.when I was a Home Carer I had to go into one of the blocks and couldn’t believe the state they had gotten into we used to take pride in keeping the stairs and close looking clean.
This photo is so bleak & dreary – typical of what Fife so often looked like in the winter. Yet it stirs such strong fond memories for me. This was my childhood playground, we trailed for miles around these fields and woods. We may have been poor, but growing up in Halbeath in the 60s wasn’t half bad. I consider myself lucky and would take my childhood over any today.
I stayed at no. 98 my dad was one of the last to be rehoused when they were due to be knocked down they have now renamed it Trondheim Parkway West.
Brought up in first flat (Mackie Place) next to the bus. I can see my balcony above the Healey’s. Played football on the drying greens, in the garages behind the first flat, in the field in the foreground (the Blue Tornado’s home pitch but you had to avoid the cow pats). The waste ground in the middle used to get flooded. People used to say there was an unexploded bomb near the barn!